Is Cybersecurity Hard?

Is cybersecurity hard? Not at all, and with the help of this guide, you’ll see just how easy it is!

The catch is that it does require dedication; if you’re okay with that then read on.

The first step is to understand that cybersecurity is a very broad field with many different types of jobs available.

“Cybersecurity” itself could include many different aspects such as software development practices, forensics investigations, cryptography algorithms, social engineering techniques used by hackers, etc.

This guide will help you figure out what type of job you’re interested in.

After that, it’s as simple as building up your knowledge base in the areas related to your chosen career path and gaining practical experience.

While learning cybersecurity can be challenging at times, following these tips will make it easier for you to get started on your journey toward becoming a cyber security expert!

How Others View Cybersecurity

If you want to enter the world of cybersecurity it important to understand how people view cybersecurity and security risks. It’s usually the last thing on peoples’ minds when they’re running a company and is generally considered a nuisance.

It’s slowly gaining traction as more people understand the need for it in a digital world; however, that doesn’t mean you won’t have obstacles to overcome in daily routine.

As a result, it’s always a balance between business resources and security. Make it too secure, and you’ll see corporate productivity slow down; leave it too unsecure, and a security breach is sure to occur.

Is Cybersecurity Hard to Learn?

Cybersecurity is not any harder to learn than any other skill. It depends on who you are and how much time you put into learning.

But let’s figure something out first. Is the question really, “Is cybersecurity hard to learn?”

What you probably want to know is…how easy is it to earn a living in cybersecurity and how quickly can you move upwards.

That depends on what you want to learn as each one requires its own set of skills.

For example, if you want to be a bug bounty hunter and earn money by finding bugs in software, you’ll need to learn about software testing for vulnerabilities.

If you want to develop security compliance strategy for organizations then you need to intimately familiar with NIST Special Publication 800-53.

Like I stated, it really comes down to how much time you’re willing to dedicate to understand the material.

Does Cybersecurity Require a Technical Background?

No, cyber security does not require a technical background, but it is very helpful.

If you’re not a technical person, that’s okay! There are domains of cyber security that don’t require a high level of technical skill, but you do need to understand that you will be occasionally exposed to the technical aspects of the field.

If you can assimilate all the information that’s thrown at you and get some hands-on training from someone who already knows what they’re doing, then there’s nothing stopping you from being able to succeed as a cyber security professional.

If this still sounds like something that appeals to you, then here’s my advice: learn everything you can about computers and networks before jumping headfirst into this field!

Read here to learn how to get into cybersecurity with no experience.

Does Cybersecurity Require Math?

No, unless you want to specialize in cryptography, you don’t need to be a math wizard to be successful in cybersecurity.

Most cybersecurity professionals aren’t math experts, and the truth is that you don’t need any formal education.

You can learn everything you need from YouTube, online cybersecurity training materials, and reading books – no degree or certification required!

Is Cybersecurity Stressful?

Yes, cyber burnout is a real thing; companies want to spend as little as possible on cyber security but expect to obtain 100% security, which of course is unattainable.

You’ll eventually find yourself in a situation where more is asked of you than you probably intended, and if something does go wrong, be prepared to work long hours and weekends.

Is Cybersecurity Boring?

Yes, there are times when you’ll find cybersecurity boring because you’re not always learning something new.

It’s a job like any other that requires a persistent mindset. There are days you’ll find the work boring, and there will be other days to discover something new and interesting.

However, just because you have a few boring days doesn’t mean you can slack off; security requires extensive focus and moderate problem-solving skills.

How Long Does It Take to Learn Cyber Security?

You may be able to learn the basics of cyber security in a few weeks if you’re very motivated and/or have some technical skills (maybe from another field).

However, learning more advanced topics could take months or years depending on how much time and effort is dedicated toward understanding them.

Your background, experience, and the amount of time you devote to it, meaning, how much time you spend learning and practicing it determine how long it takes to learn.

But if you take it one step at a time, you can learn cybersecurity with a little effort each day.

Read here to learn more about how long it takes to earn a cybersecurity degree.

Ways to Make It Easier to Learn Cybersecurity

When you’re starting out, it may be hard to determine where to begin.

To make cybersecurity easier to learn, you need to start with basic information security concepts and then explore different career paths.

Learn from Experts in the Field

Mentorship. When you’re just starting out, it can be difficult to know where to start. Find someone who’s been in the field for a while and ask them how they learned what they know to get a better understanding of what it takes to succeed.

Social Media.. Another way to learn from experts is by following them on social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, or Twitter. Read their posts and see if there’s something to take away.

Read Books. There are many great books or articles written by cybersecurity experts that contain invaluable information about the industry and its challenges. Amazon or No Starch are good places to find cyber security related books.

Attend Conferences. Attending conferences (or watch livestreams) can help provide you with valuable networking opportunities as well as updates on what’s happening in your industry from top officials within it! If traveling isn’t an option, then consider watching livestreams instead.

Online Material. Go through the online material such as those offered by Cybrary, Udemy, Coursera, and even YouTube to take advantage of all those resources available right at your fingertips!

Once you have a general understanding of what others have to say, it’s time to formulate how they relate to your interests. Only then can you determine what type of work you like and want to pursue.

Learn Computer Networks

The foundation for all things cyber, starts with a fundamental understanding of how computer networks operate. Computer networking involves the interconnectivity of different information systems while cybersecurity deals with the safeguarding of those networks and the information contained within them.

Both fields require skills like critical thinking and problem-solving, so learning networking will help you learn security faster.

And while you’re learning about networks, you’ll eventually run across cybersecurity tools. There are a great many cybersecurity tools that are Linux based, so it’s also worth investing some time learning Linux as you’ll find it very useful as you continue your cybersecurity journey.

Read here to learn more about network security.

Look For Volunteer Opportunities or Internships

Volunteer Opportunities. Volunteering is an excellent way to gain experience in cybersecurity and build your professional network. You can find opportunities to volunteer through your school or community by looking for organizations that already have teams of cyber security professionals and are looking for more hands-on help.

Cyber Meetups. You can also search online, as many cyber organizations are listed (e.g. B Sides, Meetup) and are always on the lookout for volunteers with any level of skill.

Cyber Clubs. If you’re still in high school or college, ask if there are any clubs at your school that focus on cybersecurity. If there isn’t one currently, consider starting one! The best place to start would be with some friends who share similar interests and then expanding from there while recruiting other people who might be interested in joining the club too.

Internships. Take a peek at several websites that offer cybersecurity internship opportunities such as Handshake, Cheggs, or even MyTurn.

If all else fails, talk directly with professors who teach related courses (e.g., computer science). They may give you ideas about where else to volunteer locally or provide feedback on what types of skills would be most useful when interviewing down the road.

Pay Attention to Current Events

Stay up to date on the latest news and trends. This will provide insight into future developments that are coming down the pipeline.

It also relays information about threats and vulnerabilities that might not have been available before now due to their new nature or lack of public awareness.

If there’s a specific topic that interests you more than others, then try reading articles specifically related to those topics rather than just general ones.

Looking to upgrade your career?
View our listing of cybersecurity jobs!

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